
Queer The Land, a collective project resisting displacement and gentrification, is celebrating the acquisition of a 12 bedroom house on historic Beacon Hill, in Seattle. This unique project will house a cooperative and community center by and for queer trans and 2spirit Black Indigenous people of color (QT2BIPOC). The purchasing of this home is an organizing victory four and a half years in the making, catalyzed by the labor of mostly Black and brown femmes committed to creating a place where the QT2BIPOC community can see themselves in the future. Queer The Land will be embarking on the next phase of this project, working to make this home fully accessible and welcoming to all QT2BIPOC and people committed to our liberation.

View our virtual 360° house tour and take the survey to let us know your feedback!

Building Autonomy & Safety for Everybody (BASE)

BASE (Building Autonomy and Safety for Everybody) is a collective of QTBIPOC teaching self-defense as a community-based strategy to defend our bodies, livelihood and communities as inherent to self-determination. We want to create a space where survivors can build power to transform systems that perpetuate violence as it is related to structures of power in our society.

The BASE curriculum comes from Home Alive and is informed by the anti-violence work of API Chaya. The classes are designed for all genders and abilities that center survivors and people with trauma. We will be offering these classes on a sliding scale basis to make it accessible to poor and low-wealth queer and trans people of color.

Get Ready, Stay Ready

QTL hosts quarterly gatherings to create emergency kits and make plans to keep our communities resourced and connected in preparation for natural and man-made disasters.


The general membership level is open to anyone who has grown up, identifies and lives as a queer, trans, & 2spirit Black/ indigenous/ person of color. Non-QT2BIPOC are welcome to join as Allied Community Supporters.